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        What is the official web portal of a government?

        Date:2009-08-16 17:44

        The official web portal of a government refers to a comprehensive, cross-department application system established on the information of various government departments. It allows the general public, businesses and government employees to get easy access to the information of all government organs, such as the services provided, the organization and others. It can also provide individual-oriented services or the right services for the right people at the right time. 

        Backend Integration is the key that makes a government's official web portal distinctive from other websites. A government's web portal has two types of "frontend-backend" relationship. For the first type, a government's web portal serves as the frontend integrating all government websites and does not directly confront various government functionaries. It is a kind of powerful search engine that makes it easy for customers to log on the website they want.

        Customers can directly find the departments they want via a specific government website. So this is a kind of dual "frontend-backend" relationship.

        The second type is an exclusive "frontend-backend" relationship, which means that clients can directly enter the panel of formalities handling procedures and need not make contact with any specific government website or have any idea of what government functionaries they are dealing with. It may well be said that via the gateway website clients are facing a super government that can handle any requirement. 

        A government's official web portal is a platform not only for government news release and formalities proceeding, but also for knowledge processing, decision making and information retrieving. It actualizes the sharing of information among all government offices and make communication immediate and facile. Through the tapping, processing and sorting out of scattered information, it enables people to access the right information in a most convenient way, serving as sufficient information support for administrative decision making.